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Income Tax Debt with A Bankruptcy & Neck Injury Symptoms

David Adams May 8, 2018


Income tax debt more than 3 years old may be discharged in a bankruptcy.  Income tax refunds may be lost in bankruptcy.  Timing is everything.  As of April 18, 2018, income taxes owed from the year 2014 became eligible for discharge (assuming the original return was filed timely, etc).  If a person files bankruptcy and is also still waiting for the current year's refund to come in, it may very well get taken by the bankruptcy court to give to creditors.  A little patience could make a huge difference.  

Personal Injury

Injury of the neck has been shown to cause symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, loss of balance, nausea, visual and auditory disturbances, and even reduced cognitive function.  These are also the most commonly reported symptoms in a concussion.   

In a study conducted with the University of Buffalo, patients with chronic concussion injuries were compared against patients with chronic whiplash injuries (both groups were between 1 month and 1 year since injury). Surprisingly, the findings showed there was no distinguishing between the two groups reported problems.